PC Tricks and Hacks
How to Block Youtube on Windows | Block Websites
There are a lot of tools available for Blocking Youtube. Most of this software comes from malicious websites which is not recommended.
So in this Article, We will block the Youtube website on our computer without using any third-party software.
5 Tips to safe your website from hacker
Here are the 5 tips to safe your website from hacker (more…)
Radio Sindhi (Windows Universal App)
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Radio Sindhi is first International Sindhi Radio with 24 hour broadcast and listeners in 100+ countries. Radio Sindhi provides variety programs on 6 different stations now. (more…)
5 Tips for Productive Developers
1 Keep Your Tasks Organised and Prioritised: I use Trello for task management, it helps me to focus and to switch tasks faster. It's also useful for collaboration with the rest of the team. (more…)
Best way to keep yourself motivated
The best way to keep yourself motivated and not delay is very simple and we are making it more complex than we need to. (more…)