Feel confident in one-second life hacks
Everyone in life comes to a particular situation where they don't feel confident, feel low self-esteem about yourself, well this happens with everyone even me! so in this article, I am sharing one-second life hack which makes you feel confident about yourself!. (more…)
5 habits that can improve my life
Control your mind. Do meditation, do yoga and stabilize your mind. Stop getting distracted. Watch what you eat. Avoid eating sugar, carbs and oily food which misbalances your body. Drink lots of water. You must Read more…
Best way to keep yourself motivated
The best way to keep yourself motivated and not delay is very simple and we are making it more complex than we need to. (more…)
Inspirational lesson from frog
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Inspirational lesson from the story of frog in which he was unable to adjust with surrounding & situations, but we as human being need to be sure when we need to adjust & when we need to move on. There are times when we need to face the situation and take appropriate actions. (more…)