In JavaScript, objects are king. If you understand objects, you understand JavaScript.

There are many ways to create objects in JavaScript as below

1. Object constructor:

The simplest way to create an empty object is using the Object constructor. Currently this approach is not recommended.

var object = new Object();

2. Object’s create method:

The create method of Object creates a new object by passing the prototype object as a parameter

var object = Object.create(null);

3. Object literal syntax:

The object literal syntax (or object initializer), is a comma-separated set of name-value pairs wrapped in curly braces.

var object = {
     name: "Amit Khanchandani"
     age: 28

//Object literal property values can be of any data type, 
//including array, function, and nested object.

Note: This is an easiest way to create an object

4. Function constructor:

Create any function and apply the new operator to create object instances,

function Person(name) { = name;
  this.age = 28;
var object = new Person("Amit Khanchandani");

5. Function constructor with prototype:

This is similar to function constructor but it uses prototype for their properties and methods,

function Person() {} = "Amit Khanchandani";
var object = new Person();

This is equivalent to an instance created with an object create method with a function prototype and then call that function with an instance and parameters as arguments.

function random() {};

new random(x, y, z);


// Create a new instance using function prototype.
var newObjInstance = Object.create(func.prototype)

// Call the function
var result = , x, y, z),

// If the result is a non-null object then use it otherwise just use the new instance.
console.log(result && typeof result === 'object' ? result : newObjInstance);

6. ES6 Class syntax:

ES6 introduces class feature to create the objects

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name;

var person1 = new Person("Amit Khanchandani");

6. Singleton pattern:

A Singleton is an object which can only be instantiated one time.

Repeated calls to its constructor return the same instance and this way one can ensure that they don’t accidentally create multiple instances.

var object = new (function () { = "Amit Khanchandani";

What’s your prefer way for creating objects in JavaScript?

Let us know in the Comment below

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